New PHP 8.4 array functions
array_find, array_find_key, array_all & array_any
Git Rebase onto
How to modify the commit history with git rebase onto
The importance of tests in our software
The testing pyramid
How to structure your test suite 🗼
Three dots in PHP
First-Class Callable Syntax, Variadic function & Argument unpacking
PhpStorm tricks ✨
Customize the IDE with templates, plugins and more
Functional Tests
Unit, Integration and System tests
How to create a global .gitignore file
and forget to ignore the same files over and over again! ⚡️
Declaring array structures in PHP
ORM: Data Mapper vs Active Record
Which one is better and why?
How does the Service Container work?
Why and How to decouple your classes
with a real decoupling example
A brief introduction to GraphQL
Sorting functions in PHP
And the Spaceship Operator 🚀🚀🚀
Functional Programming in JavaScript
forEach, map, filter, reduce, find, findIndex, some & every
Functional Programming with Phel 🐘
When PHP meets FP 🚀🚀🚀🌚
Immutability, the good way
Practical examples of immutability in PHP
Getting started with Open Source Software
Being up-to-date and avoiding conflicts
Testing with Test Doubles?
Dummy, Stub, Spy, Mock or Fake
Why you should not use Reflection when testing
with some code examples